Thursday, February 14, 2013


Sometimes it seems that avoidance is better than facing problems head on.  Not that blogging is a problem, but time just slipped away so fast it seemed that whenever I would think about blogging about our life or how we are doing in the adoption process, I would think, no one really pays attention anyway or I'm just going to give up on this blogging thing and not worry about it.  I know, it was the wrong way of thinking, but hey, you have to start somewhere.  So, I am starting again.  I am going to do my bestest (I  know it's not a word, but I  like the way it sounds when you say it :D) to blog on a regular basis...again.  So much time has passed and so many things have gone on since I last blogged, that I will not do a catch post right now.  I will do catch up blogs over the next few weeks.  For right now, this will have to do.  Thanks for reading! =D