Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Charis' salvation

Charis accepted Christ as her Saviour on Tuesday, May 4!  Caleb had the privilege to lead her to the Lord.  I am so thankful that God allowed him to do it.  We have been praying for her salvation and also praying that one of us would be able to do it.  I am so glad that Caleb was the one that had the opportunity.

Here is their conversation:

I started off our conversation with telling Charis about my day at the A29 conference.  I explained to her that I learned how to be a better daddy.  Then I went into detail about how I sinned against her by being too controlling.  I told her that God is sovereign and in control of everything including her.  So I don't have to be a controlling daddy.  I just needed to trust Jesus more.  She forgave me for sinning against her, and we cried a little.  Then I asked her if she was a sinner.  She said she was so then we talked more specifically about her sins.  Then we talked about how Jesus is her rescuer and died on the cross to forgive her from her sins.  I also told her that Jesus was a better daddy then me and anything that I do that looks like I'm a good daddy, its because its Jesus doing it through me.  And when I do something that is sin, like being controlling, that is really me.  She said that she wanted Jesus to forgive her from her sin and become a Jesus follower.  So we talked more about what it means to be a Jesus follower.  We talked about what it would look like for her at age 6 to be a fully devoted follower of Christ.  She was so excited and asked if she could be a Jesus follower.  So I explained that she would need to ask Jesus for forgiveness of her sin and accept his free gift.  Then Jesus could be her rescuer.  So she asked me if I could pray for her.  I told her that this was a prayer that she would have to do by herself.  So she prayed "Jesus please forgive me for my sin and rescue me, I want to be a Jesus follower.  Amen".  I have not experienced so much joy in my entire life!  We cried for a while together and talked about what it means to be a fully devoted follower of Christ.  We then went upstairs and told Tracy what had happened.  Then later we discussed what baptism and communion were and that she would be able to participate in them both.  She was very excited.  So all day she was so excited to tell her friends one by one that Jesus saved her!  

Besides the birth of Charis, that was probably the best day ever!  They were both pretty emotional when they came upstairs to tell me what had happened.  To see the joy and peace on her face was something that I will never forget.  I am so thankful that God gave Caleb the opportunity to lead her to Christ and for us to witness the transformation.

We were out driving around doing errands that same day and a song came on the radio that talked about being forgiven.  Charis said, 'That's what I am!'  I asked her what she was talking about to get a feel of if she knew what the song was talking about.  She said, 'I'm forgiven!'.

II Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, the new has come[!!].

Monday, May 3, 2010


Upon submission of our dossier (the paperwork that will go to Ethiopia) we will have $7,700 in fees to pay.  All the fees are broken down into 5 different payments:

The 2nd program fee of $2000
Translation fee of $800
Post Placement Deposit of $1000
Courier fee of $800
First Half of the International Program Fee $3750

Chump change!  HA!

We are in the process of filling out two different grant applications.  Please pray that we will be able to receive some sort of grant money through these different organizations.